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- Service providers at Château de Vallery -

Welcome to the directory of recommended and experienced professionals who have already worked at the chateau.
None of them are compulsory.

Only the choice of fireworks designers is subject to our prior agreement.
Safety is a must!

First of all, let us introduce you to Bounz'Events...

All the rooms of the chateau are equipped with a top of the range sound system which is only accessible in the presence of Vincent and his team.

He will propose a package of 700 €ht (840 €ttc) to be in charge of:
∗ broadcasting the music during your ceremony
∗ managing the speeches during the cocktail party
∗ providing your DJ with the chateau’s equipment for your night in the Grande Galerie
∗ illuminating your dance floor in the Grande Galerie.

On request, he can provide a sound system for your singers, musicians and orchestra, create a showlight in the park and much more.

Vincent and his team - +33(0).603.271.073 - the website [password: Vallery2022]

Vincent's light show

You will also find a short list of service providers in "The Book", which will be given to you when you visit the chateau. However, when you go to plan your wedding in this French venue, perhaps far from your preparations, you can consult experienced professionals by browsing the menu at the top of this directory. We would like to remind you that you can also consult the photos, videos and plans of the chateau on this site to help you fine-tune your preparations. And why not take inspiration from the testimonials in the guest book by former brides and grooms, whom we would like to thank warmly.

This service providers list is simply to give you a helping hand - because the more successful your experience with us, the brighter your wedding at the chateau will shine... beyond mountains and oceans all the way to your dreams. This is what we hope for you, as we wish you all the happiness in the world.

fireworks service providers floral decoration at Vallery's church musical service providers at Château de Vallery recommanded service providers
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