Wedding photos at the chateau

Just like some video makers at the chateau, talented photographers have captured the wedding moment while flattering the setting. For it is not always easy to see beautiful wedding photos at the chateau and to find on them the multiple backdrops of the site. These third art artists sometimes think of sharing their works with us with the consent of the married couples. Thus, let us introduce below, in two galleries, wedding pictures outside and some indoors. A pictorial testimony through chateau event and wedding venue photos.
Outdoor wedding reception photos
In Vallery, there may be times for contemplation in perfect harmony with nature. The 7-trunk sycamore, formerly known as the tree of meditation, remembers a flowered huppah dangling in the shade of its celestial branches one sunny afternoon, like an ephemeral canopy.
Dazzling, dizzying and ephemeral actors take center stage here all year round for your wedding pictures. They bud and bloom, harboring the colors and the fragrances of lily, fig, dog rose, clematis, lavender, laurel, honeysuckle, jasmine and hollyhock, and roses from Damascus, Cyprus and Marrakech.
There are many such "green theatres" here to soothe the soul, such as the leafy rose garden, the orchard harbouring two caryatids in stone and moss, a clearing at Buddha’s feet, and the shade of a four-hundred-year-old oak tree.
In this rose garden, the scene of so many wedding photos at the chateau, vines tangle and snake beneath the conniving gaze of Bacchus. Crystal waters gurgle skittishly out of his mouth to flow from pool to pool.
The rose garden stands on the very spot where the old tithe barn used to be, and has inherited its walls. The fascination exerted by walled gardens dates back to medieval times. The trelliswork in the arched gallery has long since disappeared, as if strangled by the wisteria. Box and hornbeam set the tone in this green theatre, sculpting the landscape.
Further on stands a string of small gardens known as the Arbor. Each one is a masterpiece dotted with sculptures and proudly sporting parterres of camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas and hydrangeas. It is pleasant to stroll among fragrant plants born of the heath. This is the scene of many photo shoots at the chateau.